
Performance at Suncrest Gardens

Suncrest Gardens was a nursery specializing in rare and unusual conifers owned by our cousin. This particular planting captivated my heart with its contrast of shape, color and texture. A slight bit of rearranging made the grouping more balanced. The name is a nod to my years of experience working in the theatre. As a note: all the trees auditioning “make it” it into the performance as well as an extra…possibly the promoter’s grandchild…….

Personal Challenge

Differentiate the colors, use water color pencils to fill in some of the background for depth and fit it into the background fabric which was a scrap but gave the aura of stage lighting

SIZE 14 ½” x 11 ¼”  x 1”


Water color pencil background highlights, surface embroidery stitches

Created 2017
Selected for 21st Through the Needles Eye Traveling exhibit- EGA