Stay tuned for further progress.
Kama Aina is Hawaiian for native born, which I happen to be. I designed this quilt in 2012. Sometimes things take a little longer. The center section of the quilt is about “old” Hawaiian people. With that section, the center panel is based on petroglyphs. I refer to the four surrounding panels by their “direction” from the center panel. This technique is called “crazy quilting”. Each square is 8″ x 8″ with the ultimate goal is to cover a queen-sized bed.

This is the center panel. It’s based on petroglyphs. There are 3 “types”. The sail/boat close to the center, the man charm upper right and the turtles-honu- lower center.

This is the east panel. It’s based on tapa( kapa) the mulberry bark fiber Hawaiian textile. I’ve incorporated Hawaiian buttons, charms and coconut items made by my father from when we lived there.

The southern panel also is based on tapa( kapa). This time the tapa is more black and white. More buttons and coconut items from my Dad. The lowest point features a rock totem of piled stones( beads) with green beads to represent the ti leaf wrapped stone offerings.

Again based on the incorporated tape(kapa) this time the tapa is the usually seen brown tones. Stones have been added in addition to the usual button/charms/ coconut items.

This is the north panel featuring the black and white tapa. The color contrast makes the deigns much bolder than in the softer brown tones. The center panel features sequin stars with gold thread accents to represent the little dipper and especially the north star. It’s right above the center panel sail boat petroglyph since the early Polynesians used the north star to navigate the Pacific.